There's so much going on in this ambience and I LOVE IT. The chord structures that are very ambiguous in nature are so comforting AND build tension and release somehow simultaneously. I'm sure this is a key feature of all ambient music, but it was done beautifully here. I've never actively listened to an ambient piece. The very nature of ambience is to be....well....ambient. To create an atmosphere and exist in the background to instill a very ambiguous or other specific feeling within someone. Gosh. Music is fascinating.
One person listening to this might even say it isn't music, there's no real rhythm, no real chord pattern, no melody, but what I think is that it is fully music. It instills a very specific feeling, which is what to me, music does at its CORE. I have no negative feedback, the way all of the sounds and notes fade in and out is executed beautifully, the mixing is stellar. Thank you for review, and there's mine! Awesome job.