~~~~This is an official review from an NGUAC judge for the 2020 NGUAC Knock-out round!!~~~~
OOOh cinematic okay, here we go.
Great dynamics in the start, very good composition and simple melody, love the theme you created here.
The reverb you put on the mix definitely sounds like you wanted it to sounds like you were listening in a concert hall. I can hear through the muddiness and hope this was your intent!
Great structure and Melody established in the 1:57 area, and good choice of instrumentation on the voicing for your melody when you switch around the ensemble. Doubling flutes with the Glock, Trumps with the 1st violins, Great tambors it sounds like something i would've played in highschool if EVERYONE played MIDI perfect haha.
I WANT your Orchestral plugin please. The dynamics and tambor and articulations in the brass are VERY good in this plugin.
Great Cello counter melody around 3:05 when the violins and flutes are on melody.
Contrary to ADR3, I do think that your percussion cuts through the orchestra similarly to how it would in a Concert hall. Percussion has always cut through an entire orchestra. thats why you have 4 or so percussionist and 80 instrumentalists. It does sound centered, but it still hits the master reverb and bounces around the room. I personally like the reverb that you have added to simulate concert hall.
Over all composition: VERY good at first, love your melodies, but there were only two sections really. You had a great initial intro, And a really great main melody, but the over form is A, B1, A2, B2, B3, C(short interlude with amazing voclists) B4, B5, B6 and so on. I wouldve loved to hear a variation entirely on the melody or a small wind section tutti or something.
Overall, GREAT GREAT GREAT compostion here. WELL DONE.